| | | | Jess, my maid of honor! My right hand girl. She makes working crazy hours, paying a mortgage, and basically being a single parent look easy. She helped me master driving a stick! We spent many nights hangin out and about in our younger days. I'm one of only a few people that knows what really happened to her car window! :-) She has my back through anything. I know I can always count on her and she can always count on me.
| | | Taylre! One of the sweetest, most fun people I have ever known. She will always greet you with a hug and a huge smile, even if she's meeting you for the first time. She traveled far and wide and made sacrifices to be by my side in Mexico and I am so thankful.
| | | Lil Bam Bam is a great little brother. Always shows up to make me feel a little older everytime I see him. If you need a laugh or someone to goof off with, Bam is your man. Besides that, he is the person I team up with when we need to check anyone who attempts to come at the family sideways. He is also a self proclaimed poet. Baby Langston Hughey. Maya Angelou's nephew. When you need a great poem just see Bam. He happens to like the Pittsburgh Steelers but we won't hold that against him. He is everything you could ask for in a little brother. Great father, smart, supportive and always gets the job done. Bam taught me that sometimes you just have to stop what you are doing and have some fun. Thanks Bam!