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Throughout the course of our relationship we have had a few conversations about getting engaged, getting married, having a family, spending our lives together.... The whole nine yards. During these conversations I would tell Barry that I would definitely know when he was getting ready to propose and with that, he took it as a challenge to make sure that I would never know.

It all started about 2 weeks before we were supposed to leave on our cross-country trip in August 2014. It was the morning of his going away party and some how we got on the subject of getting engaged. I jokingly said to him "I'm tired of waiting". He says, with a smirk on his face, "oh, I didn't realize you were waiting. I'll be right back." He goes to the other room and comes back with a piece of paper and on this paper it says "will you marry me?" with yes, no and maybe check boxes. I just looked at him like he was nuts and asked him if he was serious. He just kinda laughed it off. I asked him about 10 times if he was serious because if he was, I was going to tell the world that we were getting married! He wouldn't give me an answer so I called his mom to tell her what he had done. Hahaha! She told him that he better get me a ring. Later that day, we go to his going away party where he proceeds to tell the story of what happened that morning to anybody that will listen. He thought it was funny. At this point I was thinking "okay, I get it, ha ha, next subject...". After that, there wasn't much talk about it at all.

About 2 weeks later, we are all packed up and ready to head out on our journey across the country. Our first stop was in Disney Land. We spent a few days there and then continued on our trip that took us across the entire southern U.S. I was thinking that if he was going to propose it would have been before we left Washington or when we got to his moms house in South Carolina.

We finally made it to South Carolina and spent a few days there. On the last day, Bam brings me a note... THE SAME NOTE! This note came all the way from WA!! I couldn't believe it. He insisted that I check a box so I did and I drew a little picture of a ring on it. Bam takes the note to Barry and now I feel like we are in middle school. Barry comes to me and says "I didn't know you like solitare rings!" This joke has officially gone too far, a couple thousand miles too far!

Later that evening, Shirley, Reggie, Bam, Barry and I go to dinner. By the time we got back it was late so everybody was going to bed but when we got to the house Barry went to the kitchen. I was tired so I went to bed. He asked me to come to the kitchen because he wanted to show me something. I reluctently got out of bed. As I walked into the kitchen I hear music playing. There he is with this big smile.... and ANOTHER NOTE!!!! But this time there is a ring in a box and he asked me to marry him right there. It actually took me a second to realize what was happening. I cried like a baby! During the commotion, Shirley comes to the kitchen and cries with me and Bam showed up just in time to be the papparzzi! It really was one of the happiest days of my life and was perfectly us!

And yes, I checked the box ;-)



She though she was going to know when I would propose but she had no clue. We drove cross country, went to dinner. Came back to my moms house and I proposed. She checked the box, put on the ring and cried like a baby. Then Bam played a song on the keyboard. I believe it was "Easy" by the Commodores. My mom cried too. Reggie came out the room and drank champagne, and the rest was history.  
