| What can I say about Lisa? Thats a tough question to answer. Not because I don't have anything to say, moreso theres so much to say. She is a people person. You bring her into a room where she doesnt know anyone and she quickly makes friends and makes people laugh and feel at ease. She has great talent for reading people's vibes. She is known for being tough but she really has a sweet and sensitive spirit. She is adventurous and willing to try new things and new places. She is a die hard philly sports fan to the point where she yelled so loudly at the Phillies in the World Series that the neighbors thought there was a domestic issue and called security.
She loves her friends and family fiercely and is willing to go the extra mile for others. I mean that literally, she has driven with me thousands of miles down I-95 and back, to make sure I make my destination on time and safely. She loves me for me, my good, my bad, my craziness. She believes in me when I don't believe in my self. And having her in my life makes me want to strive for better in all aspects of my life. She is my life, my best friend, and will soon be my wife. I love her very much. |