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The Couple
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What's our story??  It's short and sweet and long all at the same time.

We met at an ice cream shop...after I canceled our first date...after Chris sent me lots of multiple choice questions on eHarmony.  And then he escorted me home on the red bike.  And then he rescued me from no-see-ems at the pond on Mt. Adams.  And then he prayed for me.  And that was when he turned from frog to Prince.

The long and difficult part was before we met.  You see, I've been waiting for Chris for a long time.   As I reflect on a lot of years of wanting to be married but actually being single, I realize that was a wonderful gift as well. So many of you loved me through that season, and I wouldn't exchange it because God showed me how big and good he is through you.


Disclaimer: Chris didn't write this section either

She's right - we met at an ice cream shop...after I asked some carefully thought out and well crafted questions on eHarmony.  I remember her blue dress and white sweater, and I saw her before she saw me. She was wrinkling her nose trying to look through the window of Graeter's Ice Cream Shop to see if I was there. But I was across the street. Ha!

I was struck by her astounding beauty and quick wit.  Then I googled her to see if she was actually the plastic surgeon she claimed to be.  She has a great marketing video on the interwebs if you are interested...