|  |  |  | Nicknames: Jay, Jamers, PJ, and Jayjoe
Interests: Ringette, Dancing, Movies, Australia, Friends and P90X
Qualities: Vivacious, Tenacious and the most genuine person you'll ever meet.
Jamie is a one of a kind sweet, caring and loyal person. She is a determined and hard working smart gal, who was born a leader. Jamie is the PR rep of the three girls and the fun follows her everywhere. When she's not representing her sisters she is a Commerical Real Estate Agent. Jamie has so much character and she lights up the room with her presence. I am so honored to have this gorgeous lady standing by my side! Love you sista!
 |  |  | Nicknames: Bimmy, Kimbo, Kipper and Kipp
Interests: Accounting, Skiing, Hockey, Rodeo, Vegas and Shoes
Qualities: The perfect combination of tough and sweet
This lovely lady is very intelligient and motivated. She lives by the mantra "work hard, player harder". She works long hours as an Accountant and she is going for her CPA. If you know Kimmy you know she is a ton of fun! She would do anything for a sista, even fly Tracy home from Vancouver for an AOII formal and visit. I am honored to have the beautiful Kimberley Anne by my side! |
 |  |  | Nicknames- T and QT
Interests- Plants, Yoga, Corsica, Music, Turtles and Laughing
Qualities- Perfect medley of sweet and spicy
Teagen met Tracy in grade 5 and have been inseperable ever since. They had an instant connection and have had countless laughs through the years. Teagen has found her passion in Botany, and you can now call her Dr. Quilichini as she has her PhD. This lady would do anything for a loved one, and I am so privileged to have such a good friend growing up. Thank you my gorgeous friend for standing beside me on this special day, I am honored. |
 |  |  | Interests: Hockey, Football, and DIY projects.
Mike plays quarterback for the family's touch football team and grew up playing hockey at a high level. Everyone thinks Mike is older than Robbie, because his beard is way better than Robbie's will ever be, but he is in fact younger. Mike is married to Michelle and they have two kids, Payton and Cohen who he enjoys spending his time with. He is an amazing father, a great brother, and is one of the people Robbie looks up to. |
 |  |  | Interests: Hockey, Baseball, DIY projects and mother nature.
Zack is a guy that Robbie loves to drop movie quotes with. A lot of their conversations involve Adam Sandler quotes, and they know how to make each other laugh. He has a lovely girlfriend named Shelby Marie Scott, and they are both going to be having beef for dinner, as you may have seen in their email. Zack loves being outdoors and playing in the lake at the cabin. He is someone that Robbie enjoys hanging out with and he is an amazing brother. |
 |  |  | Interests: Hockey, football, coaching, DIY Projects and being outdoors.
Jake is the older brother that Robbie never had. He is married to Robbie's sister Jenni, and they have two kids, Kennedy and Oliver. Ever since Jake came into the family, he was somebody that Robbie looked up to. He and Robbie play on the family football team and both play receiver. Jake is a loving father, a caring guy, and he has always been a big part of Robbie's life. |