ELYSHA & James
ELYSHA & James

James Louison

October 17th 2021
Puerto Morelos Mexico
1242 Days Ago

When we first met each other it was instant chemistry, of course Andy was tryna play hard to get but at the end of the day Elysha always gets what she wants. Besides he could not resist "plucking my feathers". Our story is like any other boy meets girl and they fall in love. Yes like every other couple we had some bumps, but those bumps were not stronger than the love we have for each other.  

We are both very excited to share our union with our close family and friends that have been on this ride from the very beginning. Everyone invited has a special place in both our hearts and we could not imagine making this official without any of you being present. We look forward to starting our new adventure as Mr. & Mrs. Louison with you all. Lets have an exciting time and create even more beautiful memories!!!