Mary & Eddy
Mary & Eddy

We're getting Married!

Mary Dolman
Edward Giblin

October 10th 2021
Riveria Maya Mexico
1250 Days Ago

Eddy and I met through work and friends but really it was Harper that sealed the deal.  I had stopped by his house to pick up a book he had borrowed and Harper invited me to join them for dinner. Eddy looked at me saying I didn't have to accept the sweet 7 year olds invitation but the alternative was going home and having dinner by myself. Being an auntie of sooo many meant I liked spending time with kids so why say no.  It was at dinner sitting across from them that I realized I was exactly where I was supposed to be, it felt like we had always been a family unit. The rest fell into place over the last 4 years.  It doesn't seem like 4 years, it feels like we've always been best friends and partners in crime.  I fell in love with his welcoming family and he in love with mine and now we get to share the most important day of our lives with everyone.