Andrea & Nicholas
Andrea & Nicholas

The wait is over...

Andrea (Andee) Ames
Nicholas (Nick) Naglich

November 11th 2022
Riviera Maya - Generations Resort Quintana Roo, Mexico
853 Days Ago

We both attended Pueblo West High School but our paths never crossed. We were two ships passing in the hallway and it wasn't until over a decade later that art, caffeine and music would bring us together over a few mugs full of love, crepes full of goodness, a concert in a friend's backyard and a Monet painting. Over a very casual breakfast meetup we would discuss our history and our hopes for a future as well as our mutually complicated 'current' state of existance. Andee was about to become a foster parent to what we didn't know at the time would be 3-toddlers under 5 and Nick was embedded in art, photography, and learning to be an uncle to the first of many Naglich neices to come, his fresh neice Faye. 

Our bond grew over talks of what an ideal future might look like in an imperfect world. We talked about an incredible desire to parent but also about the idea that it might not be in the genetic cards. We talked about foster care and adoption.  We talked about the idea of being the best possible aunt and uncle we could be. We talked about being content alone to just travel and create and live our lives to the fullest without fufilling every social norm or ticking every 'expected' box.

The trials and challenges that followed that season were frequent and only seemed to multiply as we both attempted to navigate 'dating' in the midst of the life paths we had both chosen for ourself. But when the dust settled and storms passed... we were both still trekking next one another, separate, but side by side and that is what eventually drew us back together. We could both do life on our own and be perfectly content, but life together is better than either of us could have imagined. 

After the profound and tragic personal losses we experienced throughout the last two tandem with the entire world... we decided that life together is to short and if we made it out of this pandemic alive then we would all really have reason to celebrate, to get on an airplane, and to travel again.  We assumed margaritas might be needed due to all of the social isolation. More than anything we seek to make a safe space to be together and be as akward as necessary to remember what it really feels like to travel and adventure and have fun together! We trusted that childcare would be important since y'all have been with your kids 24/7 for the last two years. And never in our wildest imagination would we have dreamt that our wedding wait of two + full years would still have any remnant of this wicked virus. But here we all are... and riviera is awaiting our return! We are profoundly grateful and deeply honored that you have chosen to join us in this wild wedding!